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We believe in the power of prayer in making the world a better place for moms and babies, including unborn babies. Nothing is impossible for God.
The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus“.
If you will join us in praying, we’d love to know. Email us today!
Suggested prayer topics:
Pray that the truth found in Psalm 139 will change hearts and minds throughout our nation and that we
will return to a foundational respect for all human life.
Pray that health care workers will always hold true to a commitment to do no harm in all situations.
Pray that pro-life legislators will have wisdom in strategically advocating for the unborn.
Pray that these pregnant mothers will choose life instead of choosing abortion.
Pray that many lives will be saved through the prayers and effective witness of sidewalk counselors.
Pray that more families will be moved to choose adoption.
Pray that God will grant wisdom to influence leaders to know how to best use their influence in speaking
for unborn children.
Pray that pastors and ministry leaders will be bold in teaching what God’s word says about the value of
every human life.
Pray that God will raise up a new generation of men who take personal responsibility for their actions
and hold other men accountable.
Pray that parents, boyfriends, employers, and others who helped pressure women into abortion
decisions will be convicted of their actions and ask for forgiveness.
Pray that every pro-life organization will be known for always acting with civility while holding fast to the
Pray that God will move mightily in the abortion industry and bring hundreds of abortion business
workers out of it for good.
Pray that God will open your eyes to every opportunity around you to serve moms and babies today.
Thank God for pro-life educators who teach a respect for all human life, including the unborn.
Pray that new technologies will be discovered to help children with disabilities in the womb, not to harm
Pray that God will protect pregnant moms from abusive husbands and boyfriends.
Pray for the protection of pro-life elected officials and their families.
Pray that God will grant you the courage to speak more boldly for the unborn.
Thank God for the many pregnancy resource center workers who tirelessly serve women in helping
them choose life instead of abortion.
Contact us to order bulk quantities of our prayer devotional booklet for $5 each plus shipping.
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