1. The Supreme Court ruled on two separate parts of Indiana’s Dignity for the Unborn Act (HEA 1337) signed into law by then-Governor Mike Pence in 2016: 1) The requirement that aborted babies be treated humanely by disposition of burial or cremation; and 2) A...
Denial to Hear Indiana’s Unborn Civil Rights Law is Disappointing, but Court May Hear Issue in the Future WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down an order reversing the judgment of the Seventh Circuit regarding the disposition of fetal...
Ruling Means Aborted Children Can No Longer Be Treated As Common Medical Waste Or Garbage INDIANAPOLIS – The United States Supreme Court today reversed a U.S. Seventh Circuit ruling blocking Indiana law requiring the humane disposal of aborted babies. The ruling...
Annual Contest Gives Students the Opportunity to Promote Pro-Life Positions INDIANAPOLIS – Mikayla Zwirn, representing Right to Life of Johnson and Morgan Counties, won the recent Indiana Right to Life Oratory Contest with a speech on infanticide. She now will...
Smith Will Bring Pro-Life Convictions to the Mayor’s Office FORT WAYNE, IND. – Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) announces its endorsement of Tim Smith for Fort Wayne Mayor in the May 7 Primary Election. “Tim has been a long-time...
INDIANAPOLIS – Yesterday, Gov. Eric Holcomb ended dismemberment abortions in Indiana by signing House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1211. The dismemberment procedure is typically used for second-trimester abortions and involves pulling a fully alive unborn baby apart limb...
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