Christine was a 20-year-old college student when she found herself in an unexpected pregnancy, facing an unexpected bribe from her unborn child’s father. Although she planned to give birth and parent her baby, the father had another idea: an abortion. Having been...
Serena Dyksen was just 13 years old when she found herself alone and facing an abortion. She didn’t understand what an abortion was at the time and had not been given details by the staff at the abortion facility. But at some point during the appointment, she found...
November 30, 2021 For immediate release Roe V. Wade Is Out Of Step With Science: Time To Let Indiana Decide Indianapolis – Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter issued this statement in advance of the Supreme Court hearing...
Indianapolis – Indiana’s abortion complications reporting law goes into effect today, one week after the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals declined to rehear Planned Parenthood’s challenge to the law. Abortion businesses had challenged the...
Indiana Right to Life is applauding the Seventh Circuit’s granting of a stay pending appeal today, allowing major provisions of Indiana law to remain in effect as Indiana appeals a lower court ruling that originally blocked these provisions. In today’s...
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