We protect life at every stage through compassionate action.
We primarily serve Indiana but have increasingly engaged in projects that are having a national and international impact. Indiana Right to Life is represented by county and regional affiliates around the state.
We are funded by donations from individuals and private foundations.
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita: Indiana Department of Health is wrongfully withholding abortion reports from public review
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita issued an official opinion on April 11 regarding the Indiana Department of Health’s (IDH) abrupt decision in...
Indiana Right to Life releases 2024 primary voter’s guide to inform voters
Indiana Right to Life today released its 2024 primary voter's guide to help Hoosier voters make informed voting decisions. The voter's guide...
Statement on Indiana Court of Appeals Ruling Today
INDIANAPOLIS (April 4, 2024) -- Indiana Right to Life President Mike Fichter issued the following statement about the Indiana Court of Appeals...
Blog: To the women whose hearts are burdened with sorrow
Thanks to your support, we were able to provide scholarships for two Hoosiers to attend the American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYN's recent Matthew...
Indiana Right to Life PAC announces primary endorsements
INDIANAPOLIS (March 27, 2024) – Indiana Right to Life PAC today released the following endorsements for the upcoming Indiana contested Republican...
Indiana Right to Life Issues Statement on State’s Third-Quarter Abortion Data
Indiana Right to Life Issues Statement on State's Third-Quarter Abortion Data Audio Statement Included INDIANAPOLIS (Jan. 2, 2023) – Indiana Right...