We protect life at every stage through compassionate action.
We primarily serve Indiana but have increasingly engaged in projects that are having a national and international impact. Indiana Right to Life is represented by county and regional affiliates around the state.
We are funded by donations from individuals and private foundations.
Morristown Student Takes Third Place in National Pro-Life Oratory Contest
CHARLESTON, South Carolina - Mikayla Zwirn took third place at the National Right to Life Jane B. Thompson Oratory Contest with her speech on...
Indiana Abortions Increase for Second Consecutive Year While Ultrasound Law Remains Blocked
INDIANAPOLIS - Indiana Right to Life reviewed new abortion data for 2018 released by the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH). In 2018 there...
Judge Gives Abortion Industry a Win, Allows Barbaric Dismemberment Abortions
INDIANAPOLIS - Federal judge, Sarah Evans Barker, issued a preliminary injunction in the abortion industry's favor, allowing dilation and evacuation...
Right to Life Groups to Host Rally Protesting Unlicensed Abortion Business
South Bend, IN- On Saturday, June 15 at 1:00 PM, St. Joseph County Right to Life, with several state and national partners, will host the "Rally for...
Hill Appeals Federal Judge’s Ruling on South Bend Abortion Facility
INDIANAPOLIS - Yesterday, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill filed an appeal to federal judge Sarah Evans Barker's May 31 ruling that allows Whole...
Judge Sides with South Bend Abortion Operators, Puts Women at Risk
INDIANAPOLIS - On May 31, Whole Woman's Health Alliance (WWHA) won an injunction from a federal judge allowing it to begin doing abortions in South...