INDIANAPOLIS – Mikayla Zwirn, representing Right to Life of Johnson and Morgan Counties, won the recent Indiana Right to Life Oratory Contest with a speech on infanticide. She now will represent Indiana Right to Life in the National Right to Life Jane B. Thompson Oratory Contest. The contest will be held at the National Right to Life Convention on July 6 in Charleston, South Carolina.
Mikayla is the daughter of Lori and Pete Zwirn. She has six siblings. She is currently homeschooled and plans to attend Moody Bible Institute this fall, majoring in Ministry to Women.
Runner-up was Emma Shutt of Right to Life of Indianapolis. Other contestants were Joshua Butts of Allen County Right to Life, Sarah Fruit of Right to Life of Southwestern Indiana, Rebecca Torres of Lake County Right to Life and Ava Page of Howard County Right to Life.
“You won’t find a much more articulate defense of the pro-life position than in the speeches of our Indiana students,” said Mike Fichter, President and CEO of Indiana Right to Life. “These students understand the sanctity of life and critical importance of protecting innocent human life from womb to tomb. We wish Mikayla the very best as she represents Indiana on the national stage this summer.”
Mikayla Zwirn wins 1st Place in 2019 Oratory Contest
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