We protect life at every stage through compassionate action.
We primarily serve Indiana but have increasingly engaged in projects that are having a national and international impact. Indiana Right to Life is represented by county and regional affiliates around the state.
We are funded by donations from individuals and private foundations.
U.S. Seventh Circuit Grants Stay Pending Appeal
Indiana Right to Life is applauding the Seventh Circuit's granting of a stay pending appeal today, allowing major provisions of Indiana law to...
How One Indiana Woman Chose Life and Found Redemption Through Her Blended Family
It was a cold night in February of 1983 when 17-year-old Kelly Williams got out of bed and drove to her Catholic parish in Northeast Ohio....
Office of AG Todd Rokita files motion for stay pending appeal in WWHA suit
Indiana Right to Life is applauding the motion for stay pending appeal filed last week by the office of Attorney General Todd Rokita in the WWHA vs....
U.S. District Judge Issues Sweeping Injunction Against Major Provisions of Indiana Abortion Law
August 10, 2021 For immediate release U.S. District Judge Issues Sweeping Injunction Against Major Provisions of Indiana...
Following Miscarriage, Couple Adopts 8 Children. Family Continues to Grow
Jody Stayer was working with orphans in Romania when she heard God’s calling to adopt. It was just over a decade after the communist reign of...
Thanks to 7th Circuit Ruling, Planned Parenthood Must Report Abortion Complications in Indiana
When Planned Parenthood sued the state of Indiana in 2018, its goal was to stop two basic health and safety statutes from being enforced. In...