Indiana Right to Life is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to restoring and protecting the God-given Right to Life. We seek to educate the public on the issues of abortion, infanticide,and euthanasia and to move our culture back to a respect for life. We are a state-level affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee. We believe all human life is valuable from the moment of fertilization because all human life is created in the image of God.
We primarily serve Indiana but have increasingly engaged in projects that are having a national and international impact, such as our series of television forums dealing with such timely issues as chemical abortifacients and the growing evidence of a link between abortion and breast cancer.
Our outreaches include LifeFest, a teen outreach designed to challenge teens to respect life, and innovative approaches to educate voters as to where candidates for public office stand on life issues.
Other outreaches include:
Free E-Mail Lifeline update service
Lifeline Report state newsletter
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday promotion (January)
Teens for Life publication
Teens for Life web site (over 2.5 million hits in 2004)
LifeFest youth events
Radio and TV ads to promote crisis pregnancy assistance.
Indiana Right to Life is represented by county-level affiliates
around the state. We are funded by donations from individuals
and private foundations.
For more information about us, or to offer comments and suggestions to improve the usefulness of our site, please click below.

Protecting life at every stage through compassionate action. This includes:
– Supporting Families
– Education
– Legislative Advocacy

Life Matters. Our mission is to protect the right to life, especially of unborn children, through positive education, compassionate advocacy, and promotion of positive alternatives to abortion.

We seek to educate the public on the issues of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia and to move our culture back to a respect for life. We believe we can achieve these goals by promoting our values of Compassion, Action, Intentionality, and Civility.